The name explains what this group does! Several ladies meet on the 2nd Thursday afternoon of each month in the Fellowship Hall of the church. They share in fun, fellowship, devotions, and prayers of concern as they attempt to give a helping hand to others.
Our Time Together
Our basic purpose is to encourage women in their spiritual walk as we emphasize effort to do something meaningful for Christ’s sake. We’ve previously made baby blankets; camp cot covers; treats for our church family; donated items for children in distress, and for servicemen; provided a token of thanks to honor military veterans; prepared a Sunday morning breakfast for worship attendees; joined in special music; and helped with other events/occasions within the church activity calendar.
All women are welcome to join us. You need not be a member of the church. Meeting time is usually 1 PM to 3 PM with selected changes made for inclusion of lunch, or taking a field trip for an interesting visit.